
I’m a bit lucky! I came across a lady at the local market who produces the Kaneron bags (made from bamboo) with a hand. Now, this is my shopping bag.

Tapi di beberapa kondisi saya masih menggunakan wadah plastik. Belum pernah menemukan produk toilet dalam kemasan “ramah lingkungan” di Pelabuhan Ratu. Atau bubur ayam take away dalam mangkuk sterofom yang versi go green (daun pisang?).

I just think they’re one tiny aspect of a much much bigger issue and we as consumers don’t have much control over the biggest users of plastics food producers. That’s where the bigger focus should be if we have any hope of a making a difference.

Whatever and wherever we do, we make a mess. But trying to clean up our mess is surely a good thing, right?

Ini tas belanjaku, mana tas belanjamu?

Kaneron bag

Tas anyam Kaneron


Kaneron tas anyam khas Jawa Barat

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